I am currently re-writing part of the exhibition proposal in order to submit it to a number of galleries, in place of Kettle's Yard. Because of my situation earlier in the year and the rejection by Kettle's Yard, it is unlikely that the 2023 timescale for the whole of the THREE SCORE & 10 exhibition will be achievable. BUT, I think it would be an invaluable part of the submission process to have the collaborative soft sculpture installation at least up and running. It may also be viable to exhibit the sculpture in 2023 as a 'taster' for the exhibition. So with that in mind ...

I have uploaded a video to VIMEO which outlines the help I need with the centrepiece artwork for the THREE SCORE & 10: our days are numbered exhibition. www.vimeo.com/737613188
If you would like to take part in the project you can order a kit from the online shop www.untangledthreads.co.uk The kit is FREE of CHARGE, but it would be really helpful if you added another small item to your order, to help with postage costs. Kits will be dispatched from 22nd August 2022 onwards. By ordering a kit you are committing to returning the kit to me (completed) before end of November 2022.
This invitation has initially been sent to members of The Stitchbook Collective (currently numbering 175) and to readers of this blog. It will take at least 100 pairs of hands to help create the 12m long soft sculpture installation. The next tranche of invitations will be to people who took part in the 1,568 Sawdust Hearts Project. I am really excited with progress so far.
This is the 12 page leaflet which will accompany the kit. It is at the printers now and should be with me next week. I will use this leaflet as part of the advertising and publicity for the main exhibition. My next task, after making up and sending out the kits, will be to approach more galleries.
Thank you so much for your continuing support.
The project is moving forwards really well, and I am really excited to be able to envisage the outcome.