Keeping my fingers crossed, but my options open
Although I have yet to hear from Kettle's Yard, I've received a really encouraging email from Prof Michael Akam (University of Cambridge), who refers to the central piece of work from my previous exhibition, Voyage of Discovery:
'Prof Michael Akam (Emeritus Professor of Zoology) purchased 'Nascency' to hang in his office at the University's Department of Zoology.' (p.s. 'Nascency' is still in my office in the Department)
I have also received the most moving email from Sir Alec Jeffreys referring to my father, Roy H Barter, who was his A level biology teacher ...
".. he was by far the best teacher I've ever had - totally inspirational and so kind."
"Even though this was early days for DNA .. your father was right in there teaching the latest incredibly exciting findings."
Sir Alec Jeffreys Mr Roy H Barter